Born on: 14th March 1879. Died on: 18th April 1955.
Albert Einstein born in Germany in the year 1879.
He got Noble Prize in the year 1921 for the invention of Solar Cell - a device that can convert light energy into electrical energy.
Einstein designed Photo Electric Equation to explain the photoelectric effect.
In the year 1905, he published three papers, which are path-breaking at that time.
So, after 100 years, the year 2005 was declared as the International Year of Science.
The first one about light Quanta (now calling as a photon), which is used to explain about Photo-Electric Effect.
The second one about Brownian Motion.
The third one is SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY which made Einstein more popular.
He also created General Theory of Relativity which is also called the Modern theory of Gravitation.
He designed Mass-Energy equivalent equation E = mC2
Einstein is also called as Father of Modern Physics.
He worked with SN Bose and designed Bose-Einstein Statistics which explains about Bosons, integer spin particles.
Along with Debye, Einstein designed Debye-Einstein's theory which gives details about the specific heat of the solids with respect to temperature.
