JEE Main NEET physics practice paper Motion in a Plane Level 1CH.PHYSICSDec 13, 20201 min readUpdated: Dec 14, 2020JEE Main NEET Physics Practice Paper Motion in a Plane - Level - 1Practice Paper - 1 - Level - 1 Key and Solutions - Coming Soon (Read the note, then Click on Level - 1 to open the question paper)Note: * The question paper consists of 20 bits - single answer multiple-choice questions. * Total marks - 80 * Questions and Options may be shuffled. So be careful while answering the Questions * Score will be displayed after submission of the question paper. * Candidate has to give the email to open the question paper. (email id - only to receive the total score after exam paper submission)Self Assessment: If you get less than 30 marks - prepare the lesson once again. If you get more than 30 marks but less than 60 marks - more problems practice required If you get more than 60 marks - you may concentrate on level - 2 and advanced level questions in this chapter.
JEE Main NEET Physics Practice Paper Motion in a Plane - Level - 1Practice Paper - 1 - Level - 1 Key and Solutions - Coming Soon (Read the note, then Click on Level - 1 to open the question paper)Note: * The question paper consists of 20 bits - single answer multiple-choice questions. * Total marks - 80 * Questions and Options may be shuffled. So be careful while answering the Questions * Score will be displayed after submission of the question paper. * Candidate has to give the email to open the question paper. (email id - only to receive the total score after exam paper submission)Self Assessment: If you get less than 30 marks - prepare the lesson once again. If you get more than 30 marks but less than 60 marks - more problems practice required If you get more than 60 marks - you may concentrate on level - 2 and advanced level questions in this chapter.